
That will be all



It's been two years. Two years since I made a new years resolution to watch all of The West Wing. Roughly a year ago, I posted that my progress was slow. In the same way that evolution is slow. That is to say, glacial. The plot of Lost moved faster than I did. And so here we are, just past the anniversary of my promise. And I am no further on than I was a year ago. It's not like I didn't try. Well, when I say try...I bought the box set. If you count the act of mouse clicking and door opening as effort, then I'm onto a winner. I also dust the offending box set quite often. 

You would think, that given the just described events, that I may have learnt my lesson. Oh, how foolish you would be! I am the woman who watched eight (count them) seasons of Smallville in the hope that it might start getting better. I have no sense of when to quit. And, following in such tradition, I decided to make a promise to myself to watch all of The Sopranos this year. 

Frankly, I'm a little ashamed that I haven't watched it so far. I am repeatedly told that a large part of my televisual education is missing. So I thought, why not? Let's give it a go. And if I don't? Well, at least I have another box set to dust.