
Nothing Changes

So, it's been a long time since I've posted anything. I had a summer slump. All right, more like a life slump. But, don't hold that against me - it's not over yet. I plan on a few more weeks of slumping before returning to the world of get-off-your-arse-and-do-something.

Summer television isn't made for aiding get up and go. It's made for lounging and antipathy, annoyance and sleeping. I thought that is I had a little break, things would be better when I got back. I could go away, sun myself <looks at rain> and return to a world where everything is better.

Except, when the time comes, you turn on your television to find what? Mad Men taking a year off. What the fuck? Really? I'm sorry AMC? Do you think that your contract negotiations are more important than my need for a regular helping of Draper with a side of Peggy? The answer is no! Sookie Stackhouse is not only still a total moron, but is actually having sex with Eric Northman and managing to make it look dull.

I shall return to my summer hibernation in the hope that all this madness had ceased by the time I awaken.