
Moron of the Month

I've been pondering for the last few days on the intelligence of tv characters. There isn't a great deal to ponder - unsurprisingly, most starring leads are intelligent (as well as attractive, and completely without flaws). But occasionally, you find a writer who isn't afraid to make their characters a little more....realistic.

The plan was to do a little list, maybe top 5 morons, or something equally complementary. I  had imagined, when initally brewing the concept in my cauldron of a mind, that I would have trouble weeding out 5 from the masses of idiots, but that's not the case. When I ruled comedies out (they are FULL of morons - stupidity is funny!), I was left with hardly any material....so we went with Moron of the Month. Pleasant, right?

And the lucky winner for September is.......

Margene Heffman

Oh Margene, where do we start? You marry the first person that shows you any affection, who happens to be the man you were babysitting for. The man with two wives. Then you marry another man in need of a green card, become infatuated with your "son" and  agree to be a surrogate mother for the woman across the street who you hardly know.

Despite proving to be quite adept at business in season 4 (also knows as season suck), Margene is still a woman of very little brain who seems to make bad life decisions every minute.

Join us in October for another idiot. When I decide whether to save Sookie Stackhouse for some sort of grand finale idiot-of-all-the-idiots showpiece. Is there anyone more stupid?

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