The whole show is like a caricature of a scenario that tv fans imagine in their head when they think about shows crossing the pond. NOT something made by people who know what happens in such situations. And I'm only about 8 minutes in.
The new frontier is that I thought I would blog about the episode of Episodes (hur) while I watch it. I've never done this before, I like to be controversial and pay full attention to one thing at a time. But this has had a benefit. I haven't been able to get as annoyed as I would like to be by the shitness of this show.
The dialogue is cheesy and badly written. And the acting. Urgh. When Beverly says "We need better friends," it's just all so wooden. Unbelieveable. I think Greig is actually worse than Mangan, it's like they just put down their Acting for Dummies books and strolled straight over to Job Number One.
And I haven't seen more than twenty seconds of Matt LeBlanc yet.
The only reason I'm so pissed off is because I was convinced that it was going to be good. I'm not sure if I'm more annoyed at myself or the show. Is it the writing? (yes) Or just the acting? (maybe) Is it just my expectations? (very likely)
The idea that experienced British show makers would have no idea how things work elsewhere is actually ridiculous. Everything seems so contrived, and I hate it when people are made out to be stupid in order to try and make things funny. The almost slapstick meeting where we go through the "is it set in stone/is/isn't HA HA HA" is embarrassing. And I just knew that as soon as they pulled up to the gate what the guard was going to say. I hate being able to predict dialogue.
So I'm out. I feel like I've used up all my hate for one day. Actually, that's not true but it's only 10:25pm and I like to spread it out evenly throughout the day. Even Vernon Dudley can't save this steaming pile of horse dung.
Is that a little ambiguous?
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