
Is It Just Me?

Or has the finale of True Blood come around really quickly? How have 11 episodes happened? Or more accurately, how have 11 episode where nothing of any real note has happened.....happened?

Too many story lines, not enough time. How is that possible for a show an hour long? Why introduce Alcide if you aren't going to bother spending any time with him and his naked chest? I shudder when I think about the precious minutes wasted on the Mickens' debacle, particularly when you consider how little we have seen of Pam this year. Crystal Norris, how little I care about you and the inbred panthers you call family. Hotshot? I'd rather be in Shreveport with Mr Northman. 

There have been high points. James Frain, for a start. He has been deliciously doolally, or he was, before being dead. I think it is acceptable to assume that Russell Edgington won't be returning next year, if all goes to plan this Sunday. Add that to the loss of (the always excellent) Zeljko Ivanek as The Magister and I'm wondering what's left. This show has so many good male characters. We'll save my overlong rant about the pathetic, weak, annoying, badly drawn and acted female part of the show for another day. When there's alcohol. At least Tara is less pathetic this year.

Try harder next year, Alan Ball.

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